A puzzle piece in sustainability work and confidence in the future

Sofie Åkerberg, Sustainability Manager
Sofie Åkerberg has been working as Sustainability Manager at Spaljisten for six months now. She entered on a wave of new energy and dived straight into the world of wood, chipboard and foil wrapping. Since then, it has only become more fun to come to work every day, she affirms.
It is a broad role that she has taken on – seeing over matters of work environment, safety, and sustainability, as well as improvements in all these areas. That also includes a lot of work with various certifications and audits – including IWAY and FSC. Sofie describes that her most important task, however, is to ensure a safe and sustainable workplace in the long term. Both when it comes to reducing the environmental impact as well as pursuing a zero vision of workplace accidents.
I genuinely want to work with accident prevention. As well as to work towards achieving our zero vision - no workplace accidents with absence. Everyone needs to be able to go to work without risking an injury - this is really important! We need to work more with our culture of safety in all aspects.
Before she joined in on Spaljisten's journey, Sofie worked as Environmental Manager at Plannja, where her workday involved similar topics but about a different material – sheet metal. She thinks it is fun to get to learn everything about wood as a material and a new product. In addition to Spaljisten, she helps with sustainability questions at KG List and Österbymo Hardwood, Spaljisten's sister companies in the Surewood Industries group.
What is it that makes Spaljisten an exciting place to work at?
That there is such confidence in the future! And that a lot of good things are in progress. The way forward is clear, and there is incredible energy and joy among my new colleagues!
She also mentions that one of the exciting projects she is currently involved in is developing a more sustainable kitchen door together with one of Spaljisten’s customers.
What makes you most proud of being a part of Spaljisten?
It is the sustainability work and our journey forward, as well as being a piece of the IKEA puzzle. And then I am also proud to work with one of the largest employers in Åseda.
When she is not working, Sofie takes care of a small farm near Åseda, where she has some sheep and two dogs. But what she enjoys most in life right now is dancing! It is bugg and fox that she engages in. It provides plenty of positive energy and movement, says Sofie. And when she is not doing any of that, she also likes to be out in nature. It is delightful to take in all the scents and sounds of nature, she says and continues, one has time to think.