Made in Sweden from more sustainable sources

Climate-smart materials such as wood and recycled plastic creates a positive ripple effect for our environment. Our vision to “manufacture fronts of the highest quality and with the next generation in mind” pushes us to produce more sustainable fronts. PET-bottle and plastic recycling also give us the opportunity to use plastic with a reduced energy consumption.
70% Sweden’s land area is covered by growing forests. The forests bind at least 50 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, whereof 7 million tonnes are bound to long-lasting wooden products in Sweden alone. For every tree that is felled and, in our case, used for furniture, at least two new plants are being planted – which means that the cycle continues again and again. In fact, the Swedish forests is growing twice as much now than it was 100 years ago.
The reason why wood is such a good choice of material is because of the forest’s efficient way of binding carbon dioxide. Even after harvesting, the carbon dioxide continues to be stored in the finished piece of furniture. The furniture we produce is being used year after year – and when it finally breaks down it becomes bioenergy. The carbon dioxide released upon breaking down is re-absorbed by the ever-growing forests.
– Our vision guides us in our material choices.
Johan Engström, Business Developer
Spaljisten is manufacturing furniture with chipboard from recycled wood and within two years we aim to have a recycled wood share of 70-90% in our products. In addition, we continuously work trying to reduce the weight of the chipboard.
To use recycled plastic in our foil gives us the opportunity to contribute to reduced energy consumption. We at Spaljisten work with this in two ways. One way is with Post Consumer recycling were the plastics are collected in the form of PET bottles. In Sweden, we are among the best in the wold in recycling bottles – almost 90% of all plastic bottles are recycled.
DThe other way is called Post Industrial recycling were you for example take care of the ABS plastic waste from the caravan industry and use it to produce new foil.
Today we measure the share of recycled plastic in our foil and our ambition is that all our products within two years shall have a share of recycled plastic.
Our material choices make a huge impact on our environmental footprint when it comes to carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, our entire plant has been running on locally produced wind power since 2019!
”Sustainability for real”
Johan Engström